Blackburn Case Management is a coordination and engagement service. In order to consolidate the treatment experience and establish quality care, we assist individuals and families in using all of the resources available to handle whatever challenges arise. Our case managers develop unique treatment plans to address a client’s individual medical, psychosocial, behavioral, and functional requirements. They engage with community resources to address these needs by bringing together any services, agencies, clinicians, and doctors that are needed throughout the treatment process. The case management team serves as the primary point of contact for the client and associated supports, making certain that each individual receives the highest quality of care.

Our case management team is comprised of highly trained professionals  with extensive knowledge in the field of mental health and substance abuse disorder treatment. With years of experience setting actionable recovery plans in motion, we understand that each individual’s needs will be unique and will change over time. Our case managers help with adjusting treatment plans as the client’s needs evolve. This can minimize external stressors and allow the client to focus on personal growth.

The goal of case management is to improve the overall well-being and functioning of individuals dealing with life’s challenges while ensuring they receive appropriate care and support. Evidence has shown that comprehensive wrap around case management increases positive outcomes and long term sustainability. Helping overcome barriers to accessing care and facilitating a path to recovery and improved mental health is our main objective.


 For more information on Blackburn Case Management, please call

(888) 305 5422 or visit

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