In the United States there are currently 46.3 million people suffering from a substance abuse disorder, with only 10% of that number having access to care. Even with insurance, few providers cover more than 6 weeks of treatment. The current 30-day treatment model is statistically proven to be ineffective. The relapse rate decreases from 60% to 17% or less with a long-term treatment model. We envision a world where every person struggling with substance abuse can access long-term treatment.

The Blackburn Foundation was created to provide up to 12 months of the best addiction and mental health treatment. Founded by addiction field veteran Robert Patrick, with a cutting-edge team of experts, the Blackburn Foundation relies on a 12-month step-down continuum of care recovery protocol.

Built on the principle that access to care is a basic human right, our scholarship program aims to break the cycle of addiction and empower individuals on their journey towards lasting recovery. Together we can make a difference and provide the resources necessary for change.


Whether you're seeking help for yourself or a loved one, looking to volunteer, or considering a donation, your involvement can make a difference in the lives we touch. 


By 2028, we plan to open a Blackburn Foundation campus in West Los Angeles on over 20,000 sq ft of land. This state-of-the-art facility will incorporate addiction, spiritual, nutritional, professional, and wellness-driven services in wide open, inspiring spaces. The Blackburn recovery campus will be a transformational resourse for our community. Our vision is to replicate this model in all major cities across the country. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.


For more information, please call

(310) 625-3772 or visit:

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