The cornerstones of recovery have always been focused on mental, spiritual and physical health. At Blackburn, clients can start to improve their physical health right away. Exercise and nutrition are an essential part of the recovery process, and many newly sober people channel their energy into a revitalized fitness regimen.  At Blackburn we provide a fully equipped community gym available to all residents at our Mar Vista location, as well as basic fitness equipment available at each of the other locations.

Blackburn is proud to be partnered with Proulx Prep & Performance (PP&P), a health and recovery focused meal prep and training company founded by a Blackburn alumni, Mat Proulx. PP&P offers personal training and nutrition coaching at a discounted price for Blackburn residents.  In addition, they provide a recovery-focused meal prep service, with a new, chef-designed menu published every week on their website. Small changes, like eating better and becoming more active are easily achievable with the collective support of both Blackburn and PP&P. Residents can order healthy, homemade meals each week and have them delivered directly to any Blackburn location.  All dietary restrictions, diet plans, food allergies can be accommodated.

Proulx Prep & Performance’s mission is to unify the physical and mental health benefits that fitness and nutrition provide to those in recovery, and their services are convenient, affordable, and accessible to everyone in the Blackburn community.


For more information, or to order your weekly meal prep, visit the Prep & Performance website at: www.prepxperformance.com

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